The Krum ISD Education Foundation volunteers began the KISD employee payroll deduction campaign on Friday, Aug. 22, by delivering a presentation at each campus.
“Funds raised will supplement, not supplant, District funds,” said Board Chair Daryl Shelton. “ The Krum ISD Education Foundation will provide additional opportunities for the community and schools to become partners in expanding educational programs and opportunities to broaden the scope of possibilities in Krum’s schools.”
Employees who would like to participate in the payroll deduction campaign may fill out the employee payroll deduction form and turn it in to his or her campus administrator by Friday, Sept. 12. Shelton also announced to employees that the Founding Donor Kick-Off Dinner is scheduled for Saturday, Sept. 27, at the Krum High School Cafeteria.
The evening will begin with a reception at 6:30 p.m., followed by dinner and a planned program at 7p.m. Riney Jordan, motivational speaker and former educator, will be the featured speaker for the evening. The purpose of the dinner is to provide attendees with information about the newly organized Foundation and to give them an opportunity to financially support it.
Several Krum citizens have been instrumental in organizing the Foundation and include Foundation’s slate of officers and directors: Daryl Shelton, Board Chair; Linda Moore, Vice Chair; Gary Allen, Treasurer; and Daryl Real, Secretary. Directors include: Tyler Harrison, Robert Dollins, and John Marchman. Ex-officio members include Superintendent Cody Carroll and School Board Trustee Doug Willis.
In addition to the above slate of officers and directors, other members of the community are serving to support the Foundation as well. They are as follows: Johnna Shelton, Sue Real, Leslie Marchman, Sherri Willis, Pat Phillips, Michelle Pieniazek, Nancy Shipley, and Chris Farmer.
Funding through the Krum ISD Education Foundation will not replace or alter use of funds from traditional tax-based sources. The Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and donations are tax deductible as defined by the Internal Revenue Code.
For more information on the Krum ISD Education Foundation, Inc., or to learn how to donate, contact Christina Kruse at 940-482-2706, or go to www.krumisdeducationfoundation.org.