The Krum ISD Education Foundation awarded $78,710 in technology grants and instructional initiative grants to Krum ISD educators during the district’s End of Year Awards Ceremony on June 5, 2015. This is the Foundation’s first year to award grants to Krum ISD educators.
A district-level technology grant, totaling $39,704, was awarded to the Krum High School for the purchase of Google Chromebooks for all 2015-2016 ninth graders.
A team-level technology grant, totaling $3,187, was awarded to the Blanche Dodd Intermediate School’s gifted and talented program for the purchase of a 3D printer.
A team-level technology grant, totaling $4,976, was awarded to the Krum Early Education Center’s first grade teaching team for the purchase of iPods.
A team-level technology grant, totaling $4,992, was awarded to the Krum High School music department for the purchase of Google Chromebooks and music software.
A campus-level technology grant, totaling $10,000, was awarded to the Krum Early Education Center for the purchase of iPads.
A campus-level technology grant, totaling $10,000, was awarded to Krum High School for the purchase of a classroom set of Google Chromebooks.
A campus-level instructional initiative grant, totaling $5,000, was awarded to the Krum Early Education Center for the purchase of curriculum and materials geared towards benefiting students with severe behavioral issues.
A team-level instructional initiative grant, totaling $849.50, was awarded to the Krum Bobcats Special Olympic team for the purchase of track and field materials.