On May 13, 2019, KEF Chairman Stacy McDaniel announced Ms. Hadley Brooks as the 2019 Janeda Peploe Scholarship recipient. Mrs. Kelsi Bannahan and Mr. Bret McDaniel presented the $1000 scholarship to Ms. Brooks during the 2019 KHS Academic Awards and Senior Night Ceremony.

The Janeda Peploe Memorial Scholarship was established through a generous endowment by Mrs. Loretta Powers, a KISD alumnus and former student of Ms. Peploe. Mrs. Powers joined the Foundation representatives on stage to present Ms. Brooks with her award. Ms. Peploe was honored and remembered for her commitment to education and to the students of KISD.
Congratulations to Hadley Brooks on being named the 2019 recipient of the Jadeda Peploe Scholarship!