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KEF Awards Over $3,500 in Student Enrichment Grants

The Krum ISD Education Foundation was thrilled to award over $3,500 in student enrichment grants to Krum ISD students during the 2020-2021 school year!

In our October grant cycle, Krum High School Senior Victoria Sprague was awarded $500 to take Dual Credit Courses so she could earn high school credits and college credits simultaneously. Second-grader Kenedy Sides was awarded $360 to receive piano instruction from Texas Woman's University. This grant made Kennedy our youngest ever recipient of a Student Enrichment Grant!

In the February grant cycle, Levi and Luke Nelson, grades 11 and 8, were each awarded $500 to attend the Gerts Ongoing Advanced Leadership Summit where they will develop their leadership skills while also learning more about Santa Gertrudis cattle and the beef industry. 7th-grader Amelia Sprague, an aspiring chef, was awarded $460 to attend the Young Chef’s Academy. This culinary camp will enable her to learn new cooking techniques and gain experience under the supervision of a professional chef.KHS Junior Faith Butler was awarded $500 to help fund her enrollment in Dual Credit Courses.5th-grader Ennis Stephens was awarded $500 so that he may attend a series of STEM Summer Camps, including camps specific to coding, 3-D printing, and electronic game design. Last, but certainly not least, young Kennedy was surpassed as our youngest ever grant recipient when Kindergartner Mason Cook was awarded $250 to attend the National Inventors Hall of Fame: Camp Invention Recharge.



The Krum ISD Education Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization devoted to the betterment of Krum Independent School District.


1200 Bobcat Boulevard

Krum, Texas  76249


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